Thursday, February 17, 2011

Tobias Waddlecrock Enjoys the Out Of Doors

Tobias Waddlecrock Enjoys the Out Of Doors

It had been a long, hot summer, and now finally the weather had shifted. Tobias was able to sit outside in his wool suit and feel almost comfortable. With this change in the weather however, came legions of unreasonably large insects, the cooling air causing them to slow to a somewhat comatose state. They were a bit unsettling yet they kept quietly to themselves. Tobias sat with them, unbothered. If anything they put him in a meditative state. All body systems slowing. All of them feeling the passage of time.

Monday, February 14, 2011

+ Playing Card

The "+" card from the remnants of a mysterious secret society's deck.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Dreadsboro Hats Tragedy

The Dreadsboro Hats Tragedy

The Dreadsboro sisters purchased the hats on the same day, at the same fair in Gypsypox, from the very same vendor, yet the hats forever refused to acknowledge one another. No matter how the sisters positioned themselves or however quickly they re-positioned themselves, the hats would look in opposite directions. Eventually this aggrivated indifference turned to simmering hatred and finally to catastrophic violence. One night Eula and Mania were awoken to agonized shrieks and shuffling sounds. Upon locating the source of the disturbance, naught remained of the hats but scattered black and white feathers and two quiet beaks.