Sunday, March 13, 2011

Faithful Friends, Listen

Faithful Friends, Listen

"In the vast celestial library of the Thielli, The Book of Starlight was opened by a child who wanted nothing more than to read to the birds, as they loved stories and had many of their own to share by song, but none to know back by the voice they loved best, the human one. The birds gathered round -- as did Grawyn, the toad -- and their ears opened to tales they would later relate to their own young, in their
own language; and though the myths would change with each telling, they would never fade. The book would not be silent. The child was just one chapter. The birds were the words."

--Michael (a.k.a. Frogmuseum2 on flickr)

Michael Titus is the author of  The Girl Who Read To Birds, the book I recently illustrated.  It's been slow going getting it printed and into our hands, but we both believe this will happen soon.  Hopefully, one day in the not too distant future, you'll see a post on this blog shouting "IT'S FINISHED!!!"  That will be a happy day for both Michael and me.

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